
For Eternal Beginners

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आरुरुक्षोः मुनेर्योगम् कर्म कारणम् उच्यते ।
योगारूढस्य तस्यैव शमः कारणम् उच्यते ॥ ३ ॥

ArurukSoH muneryogam karma kAraNam ucyate |
yogArUDhasya tasyaiva zamaH kAraNam ucyate || 3 ||

आरुरुक्षोः मुनेः [ArurukSoH muneH] To the enthusiast who wants to ascend योगम् [yogam] to realization, कर्म [karma] activity कारणम् उच्यते [kAraNam ucyate] is said to be the means. तस्यैव योगारूढस्य [tasyaiva yogArUDhasya] To a person who is well-established in the realization of his Self, शमः [zamaH] tranquility and meditation कारणम् उच्यते [kAraNam ucyate] are said to be the principle of existence.

A person who wants to realize the Self and be liberated needs to work without being driven by desire. This is said to be the means to achieve his goal. Once this very person has achieved proficiency in working this way, tranquility is said to be his principle of existence.

Tranquility of the Self is gained by working without being driven.

To summarize- till the goal of Self-realization and moksha are achieved, you must work without being driven by desire.

When is this proficiency achieved? In the practice of working without being driven , when do we say that we’ve ‘arrived’?