
For Eternal Beginners

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यो माम् पश्यति सर्वत्र सर्वम् च मयि पश्यति ।
तस्याहम् न प्रणश्यामि स च मे न प्रणश्यति ॥ ३० ॥

yo mAm pazyati sarvatra sarvam ca mayi pazyati |
tasyAham na praNazyAmi sa ca me na praNazyati || 30 ||

तस्य यः [tasya yaH] For the one who पश्यति माम् [pazyati mAm] sees me सर्वत्र [sarvatra] everywhere [ca] and पश्यति [pazyati] sees सर्वम् [sarvam] everything मयि [mayi] in me, अहम् [aham] I न प्रणश्यामि [na praNazyAmi] will not go unseen. [sa] He न प्रणश्यति [na praNazyati] does not go unseen मे [me] to me [ca] either.

The characteristic of every Self is identical to the Lord.

Now, let’s look at a person who has achieved a more mature state of being. The Lord continues- Such a person gains those characteristics that are similar to Me, as said in मुन्डक उपनिशद् [munDaka upanizad] , 3-1-3: ‘a person who is rid of faults will attain ultimate equality’.

In this way, the person sees the true nature of the Self in everyone – separate from their good and bad deeds – as being equivalent in nature to Me. In this way, he sees Me in every Self and sees all of them being present in Me.

Due to the fact that all of them are equivalent, he sees one Self and looks at all of the others as being similar to it. He has realized the true nature of his Self. By virtue of being equivalent in nature to Me, I will never go out of his sight.

As for Me, of course, I keep seeing Myself – and due to the equality mentioned before, I keep seeing this person as being equivalent to Me. I do not let him out of My sight.

Next, he describes a state of being that is even more mature than this one: