
For Eternal Beginners

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आत्मौपम्येन सर्वव्त्र समम् पश्यति योऽअर्जुन ।
सुखम् वा यदि वा दुःखम् स योगी परमो मतः ॥ ३२ ॥

Atmaupamyena sarvavtra samam pazyati yo'arjuna |
sukham vA yadi vA duHkham sa yogI paramo mataH || 32 ||

अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna, यो [yo] the person who पध्यति [padhyati] sees समम् [samam] equality सर्वत्र [sarvatra] everywhere, सुखम् वा [sukham vA] whether in happiness यदि वा दुःखम् [yadi vA duHkham] or in difficulties आत्मौपम्येन [Atmaupamyena] due to the equivalence of the Self in everyone, स योगि [sa yogi] this person, who is in the quest for realizing the Self परमो [paramo] is the ultimate मतः [mataH] – that is my opinion.

The Self in every being, including ourselves, has a single form – that of pure and unrestricted knowledge. Due to this, all of them are similar. The person described in this Shloka is the one who stands by this fact and considers the feelings present everywhere with equanimity.

These ‘feelings’ could be happiness such as the birth of a son, and sadness such as his death. This person considers them equally, as they are not related to him.

To elaborate, he considers the birth and death of his own son to be equal to the birth and death of another’s son. This person, who is in the quest for the Self is considered to be the ultimate – meaning, he has attained the highest maturity in this quest.