
For Eternal Beginners

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6-37 to 6-39

अर्जुन उवाच -
अयतिः श्रद्धयोपेतो योगात् चलित मानसः ।
अप्राप्य योग सम्सिद्धिम् काम् गतिम् कृष्ण गच्छति ॥ ३७ ॥
कच्चित् उभय विभ्रष्टः छिन्नाभ्रमिव नश्यति ।
अप्रतिष्ठो महाबाहो विमूढो ब्रह्मणः पथि ॥ ३८ ॥
एतम् मे सम्शयम् कृष्ण! छेत्तुम् अर्हसि अशेषतः ।
त्वदन्यः सम्षयस्यास्य छेत्ता नह्युपपद्यते ॥ ३९ ॥

arjuna uvAca -
ayatiH zraddhayopeto yogAt calita mAnasaH |
aprApya yoga samsiddhim kAm gatim kRSNa gacchati || 37 ||
kaccit ubhaya vibhraSTaH chinnAbhramiva nazyati |
apratiSTho mahAbAho vimUDho brahmaNaH pathi || 38 ||
etam me samzayam kRSNa! chettum arhasi azeSataH |
tvadanyaH samSayasyAsya chettA nahyupapadyate || 39 ||

अर्जुन उवाच [arjuna uvAca] Arjuna said: कृष्ण [kRSNa] Krishna, श्रद्धयोपेतो [zraddhayopeto] a person with the best intentions and sufficient dedication अयतिः [ayatiH] without perseverance and proper efforts योगात् चलित मानसः [yogAt calita mAnasaH] will have his mind wander from the path of realizing the Self. अप्राप्य योग सम्सिद्धिम् [aprApya yoga samsiddhim] Without attaining the goal of realizing the Self, काम् गतिम् गच्छति [kAm gatim gacchati] what will be his state? कच्चित् न नश्यति [kaccit na nazyati] Will he not go wasted, उभय विभ्रष्टः [ubhaya vibhraSTaH] being ineffective on both sides, छिन्नाभ्रमिव [chinnAbhramiva] like a small piece of cloud that gets separated from a big thunder-cloud? अप्रतिष्ठो [apratiSTho] He would have nothing to rest on, ब्रह्मणः पथि विमूढः [brahmaNaH pathi vimUDhaH] having deviated from the path of realizing the Self and the Lord. कृष्ण [kRSNa] O Krishna, एतम् मे सम्शयम् [etam me samzayam] this is my doubt! अर्हसि [arhasi] You have the ability छेत्तुम् [chettum] to get rid of it अशेषतः [azeSataH] completely. त्वदन्यः [tvadanyaH] Other than You, न उपपद्यते हि [na upapadyate hi] there is indeed nobody अस्य सम्षयस्य छेत्ता [asya samSayasya chettA] who can get rid of this doubt.

What if my intention breaks?

Even though a person pursues the knowledge of the Self in full faith, his mind may wander from the path of Self-realization due to imperfections in the intensity of his efforts. Without gaining the goal of realizing the Self, what state will he fall into? Just as a fragment of cloud that has separated from a huge thunder-cloud perishes in the midst of the sky, without being able to reach any other cloud, will he not perish too?

How would it be, to lose out on both counts? On one side, he has deviated from the path shown by the Lord, to realize the Self. On the other, he is not interested in being driven by the usual pleasures and goals of this world. He is also not interested in the outcome of his actions. He doesn’t seem to thrive in achieving material goals.

In this way, it appears that he has no base to rest upon. Having proceeded on the path of realizing the Self, he has slipped and fallen. Deprived of both, will he perish? Or will he not?

You are capable of cutting this doubt away totally. By Your very nature, You see everything simultaneously at all times. Other than You, there is nobody who can get rid of this doubt.