
For Eternal Beginners

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6-43 to 6-44

तत्र तम् बुद्धिसंयोगम् लभते पौर्व दैहिकम् ।
यतते च ततो भूयः सम्सिद्धौ कुरुनन्दन ॥ ४३ ॥
पूर्वाभ्यासेन तेनैव ह्रियते ह्यवशोऽपि सः ।

tatra tam buddhisaMyogam labhate paurva daihikam |
yatate ca tato bhUyaH samsiddhau kurunandana || 43 ||
pUrvAbhyAsena tenaiva hriyate hyavazo'pi saH |

कुरुनन्दन [kurunandana] Arjuna, तत्र [tatra] in this birth (mentioned in the previous two Shlokas), लभते [labhate] he will regain तम् बुद्धिसमोगम् [tam buddhisamogam] the same knowledge of the Self, पौर्व दैहिकम् [paurva daihikam] as he had in his previous body. ततः [tataH] Then, यतते सम्सिद्धौ [yatate samsiddhau] he strives for realizing the Self भूयः [bhUyaH] with greater strength. सः [saH] He ह्रियते हि [hriyate hi] will definitely get pulled towards the realization of the Self तेनैव पूर्वाभ्यासेन [tenaiva pUrvAbhyAsena] due to the same practice he was involved in previously, अवशः अपि [avazaH api] even though he has not controlled his mind to focus upon it entirely.

Born in this way, he gains back the knowledge of the Self, which was associated with his previous body. Then, similar to a person waking up from sleep, he pursues this knowledge with even greater perseverance. He pursues the path of realizing the Self in such a way, that obstacles do not put him off anymore.

Worship of the Lord has been his virtue. He worships by working independent of desire. Having begun his quest to realize the Self, this person may slip from the path of realizing the Self. He still gets pulled towards the same path, though he does not consciously focus his mind upon it. The efficacy of this yoga is well-established.