
For Eternal Beginners

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ज्ञान विज्ञान तृप्तात्मा कूटस्थो विजितेन्द्रियः ।
युक्त इत्युच्यते योगी सम लोष्ठाश्म कान्चनः ॥ ८ ॥

jJAna vijJAna tRptAtmA kUTastho vijitendriyaH |
yukta ityucyate yogI sama loSThAzma kAncanaH || 8 ||

तृप्तात्मा [tRptAtmA] A person whose mind is content ज्ञान [jJAna] in the knowledge of the Self विज्ञान [vijJAna] and the awareness to distinguish it from the environment विजितेन्द्रियः [vijitendriyaH] has conquered his organs, कूटस्थः [kUTasthaH] knowing that he is the unchanging Self. योगी [yogI] This person works without being driven by desire. सम लोष्ठाश्म कान्चनः [sama loSThAzma kAncanaH] He views a lump of clay, a stone and gold with equanimity. युक्तः इत्युच्यते [yuktaH ityucyate] He is said to be focused and engaged.

A person who works only to worship the Lord is content in the knowledge of the Self. He is content with the realization that the Self is separate from the environment and our body.

He is situated as the Self, which is present in all beings, is unchanging and has a form that consists of pure knowledge. This person subdues his organs here itself. He has no indulgence in the stimuli provided by the material world, since he is focused on the Self, which is distinct from the material environment.

He sees the same utility in a lump of clay, a stone and gold. Such a person is focused and engaged. The Lord says that he is qualified to pursue the realization of the Self.