
For Eternal Beginners

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सुहृन् मित्रारि उदासीन मध्यस्थ द्वेष्य बन्धुषु ।
साधुष्वपि च पापेषु सम बुद्धिर् विशिष्यते ॥ ९ ॥

suhRn mitrAri udAsIna madhyastha dveSya bandhuSu |
sAdhuSvapi ca pApeSu sama buddhir viziSyate || 9 ||

विशिष्यते [viziSyate] A person is distinguished and superior समबुद्धिः [samabuddhiH] when he is level-headed बन्धुषु [bandhuSu] among friends, द्वेष्यः [dveSyaH] foes, सुहृत् [suhRt] the affectionate, मित्र [mitra] companions of the same age, अरिः [ariH] enemies, उदासीनः [udAsInaH] disinterested people, मध्यस्थः [madhyasthaH] neutrals, साधुष्वपि [sAdhuSvapi] even among the good people पापेषु च [pApeSu ca] and the offenders.

The terms in the Shloka illustrate our relationships. Let’s explore them.

Affectionate people relate to us irrespective of our age. People who are of the same age as us, who wish us good are our companions. Enemies are those who wish misfortune due to some reason.

People who don’t have a reason to wish us good or bad are those who are disinterested. Those who don’t have these feelings by nature are the neutrals.

Those who wish us misfortune by nature are our foes. Those who wish us well by nature are our friends. Those who uphold righteousness are the good people. Those who indulge in unacceptable activity are the offenders.

A person is distinguished and specially qualified for realization when he is level-headed towards all of them, by virtue of finding contentment in the Self alone, by not finding utility in friends and companions, while not facing opposition from the others.