
For Eternal Beginners

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ये चैव सात्विका भावा राजसाः तामसाश्च ये ।
मत्त एवेति तान् विद्धि न त्वहम् तेषु ते मयि ॥ १२ ॥

ye caiva sAtvikA bhAvA rAjasAH tAmasAzca ye |
matta eveti tAn viddhi na tvaham teSu te mayi || 12 ||

ये चैव [ye caiva] All these सात्विका भावा [sAtvikA bhAvA] feelings of wisdom and virtue, राजसाः [rAjasAH] passion and activity, तामसाः च [tAmasAH ca] ignorance and laziness विद्धि तान् [viddhi tAn] - know that they मत्त एव इति [matta eva iti] originate from Me. न तु अहम् तेषु [na tu aham teSu] However, I am not bound in them. ते मयि [te mayi] They are situated in Me.

You get the point, so there’s no need of further enumeration.

All thoughts and feelings having the three qualities of wisdom, passion and ignorance make up experiences, the sense organs and the body. Know that all of them come into being from Me.

By virtue of being My body, know that they have Me as the basis of their existence. However, I am not bound in them – I do not depend on them.

Though the analogy to the Self-and-body is made here, there is a difference. The body exists for the Self to experience. Similarly, the Universe exists for the Lord’s enjoyment. The analogy ends there. In us, the Self is in a state wherein it can receive favors from the body. Unlike this, the Lord does not have any relationship of need with the entities of the universe. They only interest the Lord as a source of amusement.