
For Eternal Beginners

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त्रिभिः गुणमयैः भावैः एभिः सर्वम् इदम् जगत् ।
मोहितम् नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परम् अव्ययम् ॥ १३ ॥

tribhiH guNamayaiH bhAvaiH ebhiH sarvam idam jagat |
mohitam nAbhijAnAti mAmebhyaH param avyayam || 13 ||

मोहितम् [mohitam] Being deluded एभिः भावैः [ebhiH bhAvaiH] by these ways of thinking and feeling त्रिभिः गुणमयैः [tribhiH guNamayaiH] that are pervaded by the three qualities , सर्वम् इदम् जगत् [sarvam idam jagat] this whole world नाभिजानाति [nAbhijAnAti] does not know माम् [mAm] Me, एभ्यः परम् [ebhyaH param] who is above them, अव्ययम् [avyayam] who stays unchanged.

As described before, the entire universe belongs to Me, consisting of conscious and non-conscious elements. The universe periodically comes into being from Me. At the time of its destruction, it comes back to rest in Me. It is sustained in Me alone. It is situated as though it were My body, having Me as its owner.

In this way, I am present as all different things in this universe - as the cause and origin, as well as the resulting manifestation.

In this way, I am the basis of existence and the controller. I have unbounded knowledge and count-less other favorable qualities. I am above and beyond in all ways. There is nobody else who is beyond My auspicious qualities. Situated in this way, having unique favorable qualities and ways to enjoy them, I am above all thoughts and feelings that are pervaded by the three qualities of sattva, rajas and tamas.

Here, the phrase ‘I am above all thoughts and feelings’ means that the Lord is beyond those qualities, without being worn out by them, always having an undisturbed, constant form.

This entire universe is deluded by material things that are pervaded by the three qualities . These material things are very unpleasant and short-lived. They exist to be experienced by our body and sense organs in accordance with past deeds. Being deluded in this way, the world, with its gods , animals, humans and inanimate things, does not know Me.

Why do we pursue constrained happiness?

Now comes the question: With You (the Lord) being ever-present, being superior to all material enjoyments by Your very nature, being with uninterrupted joy in large amounts, with an eternal and undisturbed form, how come every conscious being intends to enjoy the limited pleasures of the material world? Especially considering that material experiences are pervaded by the three qualities , are short-lived and are very unpleasant?