
For Eternal Beginners

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न माम् दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः ।
मायया अपहृत ज्ञानाः असुरम् भावम् आश्रिताः ॥ १५ ॥

na mAm duSkRtino mUDhAH prapadyante narAdhamAH |
mAyayA apahRta jJAnAH asuram bhAvam AzritAH || 15 ||

दुष्कृतिनः [duSkRtinaH] People who do not value virtue मूढाः [mUDhAH] are ignorant. न माम् प्रपद्यन्ते [na mAm prapadyante] They do not take refuge in Me. नराधमाः [narAdhamAH] Even though they consider Me to be ordinary, they do not approach Me. मायया अपहृत ज्ञानाः [mAyayA apahRta jJAnAH] The material world and its perceptions have stolen awareness in them. असुरम् भावम् आश्रिताः [asuram bhAvam AzritAH] Yet others know about My vast powers, possessions and My knowledge, but that only builds jealousy and hatred towards Me.

People who do not value virtue are those who commit vile deeds - they do not take refuge in Me. They come in four types, going by the deeds they committed in the past:

People who do not know

Those who know and still waste their human birth

Whose knowledge is stolen by material perceptions

Those who are consumed by jealousy and hatred

Let’s examine each category:

People in the first category - Those who do not know - have knowledge that is misleading. Their misunderstanding tells them that the Self and their experiences exist in their service, for their purpose. However, as described before, the Self and the environment exist primarily in the Lord’s service - that is their true nature.

People in the second category - Those who know and still waste their awareness – They know My character in the usual way (by reading and listening, for instance). Even then, they do not approach Me.

People in the third category have their knowledge stolen by material perceptions. Though they’ve been told about Me and My possessions, their awareness has been stolen by false logic, which tries to prove that anything that’s not perceptible in this material world is not real.

People in the final category know me well and also know of My vast possessions. However, this knowledge only serves to trigger jealousy and hatred in them.

This was the list of people in the increasing order of vile deeds committed.