
For Eternal Beginners

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ज्ञानम् तेऽहम् सविज्ञानम् इदम् वक्ष्यामि अशेषतः ।
यत् ज्ञात्वा नेह भूयो अन्यत् ज्ञातव्यम् अवशिष्यते ॥ २ ॥

jJAnam te'ham savijJAnam idam vakSyAmi azeSataH |
yat jJAtvA neha bhUyo anyat jJAtavyam avziSyate || 2 ||

ते अहम् वक्ष्यामि [te aham vakSyAmi] I will now tell you इदम् ज्ञानम् [idam jJAnam] this knowledge स विज्ञानम् [sa vijJAnam] along with the ability to distinguish, अशेषत [azeSata] in completeness. यत् ज्ञात्वा [yat jJAtvA] After knowing this न अन्यत् [na anyat] there is nothing else, अवशिष्यते इह [avaziSyate iha] which remains over here ज्ञातव्यम् [jJAtavyam] to be learnt भूयः [bhUyaH] any more.

I will now teach you about Me, along with the knowledge required to distinguish Me. I will not leave out anything about the subject. The ‘knowledge required to distinguish’ is about knowing those qualities that make Me distinct - the way in which I differ from the variety of conscious beings and non-conscious things – everything other than Me.

My distinction is by virtue of being the destroyer of all impurity, by having countless varieties of favorable qualities in limitless amounts with no boundaries and by having an unending set of great powers.

Along with the knowledge about this distinction, I will tell you the knowledge about My true nature. There wouldn’t be any need to elaborate further. After knowing this, there is nothing to be learnt about Me anymore.

Next, the Lord illustrates the great difficulty involved in knowing.