
For Eternal Beginners

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कामैः तैस्तैः हृतज्ञानाः प्रपद्यन्ते अन्य देवताः ।
तम् तम् नियमम् आस्थाय प्रकृत्या नियताः स्वया ॥ २० ॥

kAmaiH taistaiH hRtajJAnAH prapadyante anya devatAH |
tam tam niyamam AsthAya prakRtyA niyatAH svayA || 20 ||

नियताः [niyatAH] Being controlled by स्वया प्रकृत्या [svayA prakRtyA] their own nature, हृतज्ञानाः [hRtajJAnAH] their knowledge taken तैः तैः कामैः [taiH taiH kAmaiH] by various desires of that nature, प्रपद्यन्ते [prapadyante] people take refuge अन्य देवताः [anya devatAH] in other powers तम् तम् नियमम् आस्थाय [tam tam niyamam AsthAya] by following various methods, in order to attain those desires.

All people of this world are led by the influence of their own nature, which take the form of ‘feelings’ that are pervaded by the three qualities . The knowledge about My form has been abducted by desires that have the three qualities prominent in them. In order to satisfy those desires, they seek refuge in powers other than Me. They follow various methods to please others - methods that go against their ‘true nature’.

Our true nature is to be of service to the Lord alone.