
For Eternal Beginners

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यो यो याम् याम् तनुम् भक्तः श्रद्धया अर्चितुम् इच्छति ।
तस्य तस्य अचलाम् श्रद्धाम् तामेव विदधाम्यहम् ॥ २१ ॥

yo yo yAm yAm tanum bhaktaH zraddhayA arcitum icchati |
tasya tasya acalAm zraddhAm tAmeva vidadhAmyaham || 21 ||

यो यो भक्तः [yo yo bhaktaH] Which ever devotee अर्चितुम् इच्छति [arcitum icchati] likes to please याम् याम् तनुम् [yAm yAm tanum] what ever form श्रद्धया [zraddhayA] with dedication, विदधामि अहम् [vidadhAmi aham] I give अचलाम् [acalAm] stability तामेव [tAmeva] to the same श्रद्धाम् [zraddhAm] faith तस्य तस्य [tasya tasya] in each of them.

Even these sources of power are indeed My body, existing for My purpose. This is stated in the scriptures such as [br’hadAranyka upanishad], 3-7-9: ‘The One who sits in the Sun; The One whom the Sun does not know; The One, for whose utility the Sun exists’

People who worship those powers will want to do so with faith and dedication, without knowing that they exist for My purpose alone. Even though these worshippers are unaware that all powers are Mine, I take consideration of the fact that their dedication is towards My body. Hence, I bring stability to their dedication - meaning, I remove the obstacles in their way.