
For Eternal Beginners

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स तया श्रद्धया युक्तः तस्य आराधनम् ईहते ।
लभते च ततः कामान् मया एव विहितान् हि तान् ॥ २२ ॥

sa tayA zraddhayA yuktaH tasya ArAdhanam Ihate |
labhate ca tataH kAmAn mayA eva vihitAn hi tAn || 22 ||

युक्तः [yuktaH] With तया श्रद्धया [tayA zraddhayA] that dedication, [sa] the person ईहते [Ihate] wishes तस्य आराधनम् [tasya ArAdhanam] to worship accordingly. ततः [tataH] By this लभते च [labhate ca] he obtains तान् कामान् [tAn kAmAn] the desires he wants. मया एव विहितान् [mayA eva vihitAn] These desires are given by Me alone.

In this Shloka, the phrase ‘With that dedication’ refers to the dedication that is stabilized by the Lord by removing all obstacles. With such dedication, the person desires to adore and worship a source of power. Since all sources of power are analogous to My body, since they exist in My service, the person obtains the desires he wished for - they are given by Me alone.

Dedication to a cause is dedication to the Lord.

This person may not know that those other powers are like My body, when he worships them. Hence, he doesn’t even know that such worship is actually a service to Me. Even then, I give him what he desires - since it is worship that’s rendered to Me in reality.