
For Eternal Beginners

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अन्तवत्तु फलम् तेषाम् तद्भवति अल्प मेधसाम् ।
देवान् देवयजो यान्ति मद्भक्ता यान्ति माम् अपि ॥ २३ ॥

antavattu phalam teSAm tadbhavati alpa medhasAm |
devAn devayajo yAnti madbhaktA yAnti mAm api || 23 ||

तु [tu] However, तत् फलम् [tat phalam] those results, तेषाम् अल्प मेधसाम् [teSAm alpa medhasAm] which are obtained by people with little knowledge अन्तवत् भवति [antavat bhavati] are short-lived. देवयजः [devayajaH] People who reach out to various powers देवान् यान्ति [devAn yAnti] will obtain those powers. मद्भक्ताः [madbhaktAH] My devotees यान्ति माम् अपि [yAnti mAm api] will also attain Me.

People with little knowledge will worship various sources of power that can satisfy their desires. However, any outcome from such worship is minor and short-lived. How come?

Your outcomes are as temporary as you intend.

All powers other than the Lord have a finite life span. Hence, a person who aspires to a position of power will obtain the same - but that position is short-lived and will be destroyed. The person will start again in a different form.

My devotees too involve in the same activities, considering them as a way to adore and worship Me. Having given up the addiction to temporary results, My adoration alone is their primary goal. In this way, they will attain Me. They do not need to start again. It is said clearly in Chap8#16: ‘Arjuna, after attaining Me, there is no rebirth’.

Next, He says that all the others waste the opportunity to seek refuge in the Lord when He takes birth, for instance as a human.