
For Eternal Beginners

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अव्यक्तम् व्यक्तिम् आपन्नम् मन्यन्ते माम् अबुद्धयः ।
परम् भावम् अजानन्तो मम अव्ययम् अनुत्तमम् ॥ २४ ॥

avyaktam vyaktim Apannam manyante mAm abuddhayaH |
param bhAvam ajAnanto mama avyayam anuttamam || 24 ||

अबुद्धयः [abuddhayaH] People who are incapable of discerning अजानतः [ajAnataH] don’t know मम परम् भावम् [mama param bhAvam] My ultimate characteristics अव्ययम् [avyayam] of never wearing out अनुत्तमम् [anuttamam] and of not having anyone superior. मन्यन्ते [manyante] They believe माम् [mAm] that I am अव्यक्तम् [avyaktam] someone who is invisible, व्यक्तिम् आपन्नम् [vyaktim Apannam] who has obtained a visible form.

I am the Lord of everything, who is worshipped by all actions, whose form and nature cannot be described either by speech or thought. I am born out of great compassion, as the son of Vasudeva, to enable everyone to seek My refuge. I am born with affection towards those who have surrendered to Me. I am born without abandoning my true nature.

Most people don’t recognize Krishna as the permanent enjoyer of everything.

People who are incapable of discerning don’t know My true nature of being supreme, of having nobody superior to Me and of being unchanged. They equate Me to a prince in this world. They think that I did not have a personality before, but obtained a special one now due to the effect of My past deeds. Due to this misconception, they do not seek My refuge; They do not worship Me with their actions.

Next, the Lord clears a doubt: How come the Lord’s true nature is not apparent to them?