
For Eternal Beginners

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वेदाहम् समतीतानि वर्तमानानि च अर्जुन ।
भविष्याणि च भूतानि माम् तु वेद न कश्चन ॥ २६ ॥

vedAham samatItAni vartamAnAni ca arjuna |
bhaviSyANi ca bhUtAni mAm tu veda na kazcana || 26 ||

अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna, वेदाहम् [vedAham] I know भूतानि [bhUtAni] the beings समतीतानि [samatItAni] whose time has passed, वर्तमानानि [vartamAnAni] who are present now भविष्याणि च [bhaviSyANi ca] and those who will be in the future. तु [tu] However, न कश्चन [na kazcana] there isn’t anyone वेद [veda] who knows माम् [mAm] Me.

I know all beings that existed in the past, those that exist now and those that are yet to come. Further, the Lord states in this Shloka: ‘there isn’t anyone who knows Me’ – Conscious beings exist in the three times (past, present and future) as I’ve arranged them to be. Among all of them, it isn’t possible to find anyone who knows me in this way - as Vasudeva who has come to enable everyone to take refuge in Me. A person with such knowledge is very difficult to find.

Next, the Lord elaborates on the reason for such ignorance: