
For Eternal Beginners

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इच्छा द्वेष समुत्थेन द्वन्द्व मोहेन भारत ।
सर्व भूतानि सम्मोहम् सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप ॥ २७ ॥

icchA dveSa samutthena dvandva mohena bhArata |
sarva bhUtAni sammoham sarge yAnti parantapa || 27 ||

भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, परन्तप [parantapa] the destroyer of enemies, सर्व भूतानि [sarva bhUtAni] all beings सम्मोहम् यान्ति [sammoham yAnti] get the state of ignorance सर्गे [sarge] at the time of their birth द्वन्द्व मोहेन [dvandva mohena] due to the delusion brought on by the dualities in Nature, इच्छा द्वेष समुत्थेन [icchA dveSa samutthena] which arises out of desire and aversion.

Ignorance and pre-occupation with life’s dualities are part of our characteristics.

All beings get into a state of ignorance at birth itself, being within dualities like heat and cold. This ignorance is generated by desires and aversions.

To elaborate: Dualities such as happiness and sorrow have the three qualities in them. All conscious beings have practiced feelings of desire and aversion towards various subjects in previous births. Due to their influence, beings are born with ignorance, with the same dualities (like heat and cold) becoming the subject of their desires and aversions.

With ignorance, these beings get deluded - desire and aversion towards various subjects becomes their character, instead of experiencing the joy of being together with Me or the sorrow of being without Me.

The person who knows , on the other hand, experiences only the joy of being with Me and the sorrow of being without Me. Nobody is born with that character.