
For Eternal Beginners

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जरा मरण मोक्षाय माम् आश्रित्य यतन्ति ये ।
ते ब्रह्म तद्विदुः कृत्स्नम् अध्यात्मम् कर्म चाखिलम् ॥ २९ ॥

jarA maraNa mokSAya mAm Azritya yatanti ye |
te brahma tadviduH kRtsnam adhyAtmam karma cAkhilam || 29 ||

माम् आश्रित्य [mAm Azritya] Having taken My refuge, ये [ye] those who यतन्ति [yatanti] endeavor मोक्षाय [mokSAya] to gain freedom जरा मरण [jarA maraNa] from infirmity and death ते विदुः [te viduH] know तत् ब्रह्म [tat brahma] the self-existent, कृत्स्नम् अध्यात्मम् [kRtsnam adhyAtmam] the entire environment अखिलम् कर्म च [akhilam karma ca] and all activity.

The word ‘brahma’ is translated to ‘self-existent’ here, highlighting the fact that it doesn’t need the support of its environment to exist. This is explained further in the next chapter.

By leaving the misfortune of delusion, we get to know the Lord and worship him for a purpose.

The phrase ‘freedom from infirmity and death’ refers to the curiosity to realize the Self. This is about knowing the true nature of the Self, in a form that’s not entangled in the environment. A few people endeavor to achieve this realization in My sanctuary. They shall discern the Self, the environment and all actions in their entirety.