
For Eternal Beginners

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भूमिरापोऽनलो वायुः खम् मनो बुद्धिरेव च ।
अहङ्कार इतीयम् मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा ॥ ४ ॥

bhUmirApo'nalo vAyuH kham mano buddhireva ca |
ahaGkAra itIyam me bhinnA prakRtiraSTadhA || 4 ||

इयम् मे प्रकृतिः [iyam me prakRtiH] This universe of mine अष्टधा भिन्ना [aSTadhA bhinnA] is divided into eight categories: भूमिः [bhUmiH] Solids, आपः [ApaH] liquids, वायुः [vAyuH] gasses, अनलः [analaH] energy, खम् [kham] space, मनः [manaH] mind, बुद्धि [buddhi] the gross collections अहङ्कारः [ahaGkAraH] and the notion of individuality.

The universe is one of The Lord’s natures, which all conscious beings experience.

The universe contains many types of countless things to be experienced, instruments that are used to experience them and places where they can be experienced. They can be classified into eight parts: Solids, liquids, energy, gasses, space, with their various qualities such as smells and textures; The mind and the associated organs; The gross collections; The notion of individuality. Know that the universe belongs to Me.