
For Eternal Beginners

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अपरेयम् इतस्त्वन्यम् प्रकृतिम् विद्धि मे पराम् ।
जीवबूतम् महाबाहो यया इदम् धार्यते जगत् ॥ ५ ॥

apareyam itastvanyam prakRtim viddhi me parAm |
jIvabUtam mahAbAho yayA idam dhAryate jagat || 5 ||

महाबाहो [mahAbAho] Arjuna, इयम् [iyam] the universe that I just described अपरा [aparA] is not the ultimate one. विद्धि [viddhi] Know मे पराम् प्रकृतिम् [me parAm prakRtim] My ultimate nature, इतः तु अन्यम् [itaH tu anyam] which is something distinct from this one, जीवभूतम् [jIvabhUtam] in the form of a conscious being यया [yayA] by whom इदम् जगत् [idam jagat] this world धार्यते [dhAryate] is sustained.

Consciousness - the ability to know - is The Lord’s primary nature.

This universe is My nature, which is experienced by conscious beings. However, it isn’t My primary nature. Indeed, there exists another form, which is alive and enjoys the entire universe. Know that it has a conscious form and that it belongs to Me. It is My prime nature. It sustains the entire non-conscious universe.