
For Eternal Beginners

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माम् उपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दुःखालयम् अशाश्वतम् ।
नाप्नुवन्ति महात्मानः सम्सिद्धिम् परमाम् गताः ॥ १५ ॥

mAm upetya punarjanma duHkhAlayam azAzvatam |
nApnuvanti mahAtmAnaH samsiddhim paramAm gatAH || 15 ||

माम् उपेत्य [mAm upetya] Having attained Me, नाप्नुवन्ति [nApnuvanti] they do not get अशाश्वतम् [azAzvatam] a temporary पुनर्जन्म [punarjanma] birth again, दुःखालयम् [duHkhAlayam] which is an abode of suffering. महात्मानः [mahAtmAnaH] These great people गताः [gatAH] have reached परमाम् [paramAm] the ultimate सम्सिद्धिम् [samsiddhim] state of complete attainment.

These people know My true nature and have excessive affection towards Me. They attain Me with their affection and shall never get a transient birth full of sorrows again.

With the intention to attain Me, knowing they cannot even exist without Me, these great people take refuge in Me and worship Me. They achieve Me, the ultimate goal.

Next, the Lord explains why people who yearn and achieve wealth will return to be born, while people who achieve the Lord don’t return.