
For Eternal Beginners

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8-23 to 8-24

यत्र काले त्वनावृत्तिम् आवृत्तिम् चैव योगिनः ।
प्रयाता यान्ति तम् कालम् वक्ष्यामि भरतर्षभ ॥ २३ ॥
अग्निर् ज्योतिर् अहः शुक्लः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् ।
तत्र प्रयाता गच्छन्ति ब्रह्म ब्रह्म विदो जनाः ॥ २४ ॥

yatra kAle tvanAvRttim AvRttim caiva yoginaH |
prayAtA yAnti tam kAlam vakSyAmi bharatarSabha || 23 ||
agnir jyotir ahaH zuklaH SaNmAsA uttarAyaNam |
tatra prayAtA gacchanti brahma brahma vido janAH || 24 ||

भरतर्षभ [bharatarSabha] Arjuna, वक्ष्यामि [vakSyAmi] I will now describe तम् कालम् [tam kAlam] the space and time यत्र काले [yatra kAle] in which योगिनः [yoginaH] worshippers प्रयाताः [prayAtAH] have travelled. यान्ति [yAnti] They take आवृत्तिम् [AvRttim] the path that returns अनवृत्तिम् च [anavRttim ca] or the one that doesn’t. ब्रह्म विदो जनाः [brahma vido janAH] People who know the Lord, प्रयाताः [prayAtAH] who leave this world and then travel तत्र [tatra] in the path अग्निर्ज्योतिः [agnirjyotiH] of brightness, अहः [ahaH] then going on to the day, शुक्लः [zuklaH] the bright half of the lunar month, षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् [SaNmAsA uttarAyaNam] the six months when our Sun shifts to the North of the equator ब्रह्म गच्छन्ति [brahma gacchanti] - they reach the Lord.

Here, the word काल [kAla] describes the space and time of our journey from this body. The Lord says- I will now describe the path of the worshipper that doesn’t return to this world, along with the path of other virtuous people, which does return.

This Shloka uses phrases such as brightness, the day, the bright half of the lunar cycle, the six months when the Sun shifts northwards. These phrases illustrate the space and time of the path of luster.