
For Eternal Beginners

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वेदेषु यज्ञेषु तपस्सु चैव दाने च यत् पुण्यफलम् प्रदिष्टम् ।
अत्येति तत् सर्वम् इदम् विदित्वा योगी परम् स्थानम् उपैति चाद्यम् ॥ २८ ॥

vedeSu yajJeSu tapassu caiva dAne ca yat puNyaphalam pradiSTam |
atyeti tat sarvam idam viditvA yogI param sthAnam upaiti cAdyam || 28 ||

यत् पुण्य फलम् प्रदिष्टम् [yat puNya phalam pradiSTam] The fortunate outcomes that were indicated - वेदेषु [vedeSu] in the Vedas, यज्ञेषु [yajJeSu] in performing worship, तपस्सु [tapassu] in penance दानेषु च [dAneSu ca] and in donating things - तत् सर्वम् अत्येति [tat sarvam atyeti] a person goes beyond all of it इदम् विदित्वा [idam viditvA] after knowing this. उपैति [upaiti] This person will reach परमम् स्थानम् [paramam sthAnam] the ultimate destiny, आद्यम् [Adyam] a place that has no beginning, which always exists.

This chapter and the one previous described the greatness of the Lord. A person who knows this greatness experiences joy that is beyond any other.

In this world, we experience joy by gaining something, by studying, contemplation, ceremonies, charity and so on. Even joys gained by meditation and the study of the Vedas are as insignificant as a blade of grass, in comparison with the joy of knowing the Lord’s greatness.

A person who realizes this attains the ultimate abode, the one that has always existed.