For Eternal Beginners
यम् यम् वाऽपि स्मरन् भावम् त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् ।
तम् तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भाव भावितः ॥ ६ ॥
yam yam vA'pi smaran bhAvam tyajatyante kalevaram |
tam tamevaiti kaunteya sadA tadbhAva bhAvitaH || 6 ||
Arjuna, यम् यम्
[yam yam]
whatever स्मरन्
a person thinks about कलेवरम् त्यजति
[kalevaram tyajati]
when he leaves his body अन्ते
at the end of life, तम् तम् एव एति
[tam tam eva eti]
he obtains that very तद्भाव भावितः
[tadbhAva bhAvitaH]
same state of existence that he thought of सदा
Whatever a person thinks at the end while leaving his body - he gets that very state of existence after dying. The source of this ‘final thought’ comes from the subjects frequently thought about during this life-time.