
For Eternal Beginners

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कविम् पुराणम् अनुशासितारम्
अणोरणीयाम्सम् अनुस्मरेत् यः ।
सर्वस्य धातारम् अचिन्त्य रूपम्
आदित्य वर्णम् तमसः परस्तात् ॥ ९ ॥
प्रयाण काले मनसाऽचलेन
भक्त्या युक्तो योगबलेन चैव ।
भ्रुवोः मध्ये प्राणम् आवेश्य सम्यक्
स तम् परम् पुरुषम् उपैति दिव्यम् ॥ १० ॥

kavim purANam anuzAsitAram
aNoraNIyAmsam anusmaret yaH |
sarvasya dhAtAram acintya rUpam
Aditya varNam tamasaH parastAt || 9 ||
prayANa kAle manasA'calena
bhaktyA yukto yogabalena caiva |
bhruvoH madhye prANam Avezya samyak
sa tam param puruSam upaiti divyam || 10 ||

प्रयाण काले [prayANa kAle] At the time of leaving the body, भक्त्या युक्तः [bhaktyA yuktaH] he is filled with affectionate devotion. योगबलेन च एव [yogabalena ca eva] By the power of his focus itself, प्राणम् आवेश्य सम्यक् [prANam Avezya samyak] having stationed life steadily भ्रुवोः मध्ये [bhruvoH madhye] in-between the eye-brows, अचलेन मनसा [acalena manasA] with an unwavering mind, सः अनुस्मरेत् [saH anusmaret] he meditates अनुशासितारम् [anuzAsitAram] on the Lord, कविम् [kavim] who knows everything, पुराणम् [purANam] who is ancient, अणोरणीयाम्सम् [aNoraNIyAmsam] who is even more subtle than the imperceptible Self, सर्वस्य धातारम् [sarvasya dhAtAram] who is the creator of everything, अचिन्त्य रूपम् [acintya rUpam] who has a form that cannot be realized in our thoughts, आदित्य वर्णम् [Aditya varNam] who has the color of the Sun तमसः परस्तात् [tamasaH parastAt] and is beyond darkness. यः [yaH] The one who does this उपैति [upaiti] will come towards तम् दिव्यम् परम् पुरुषम् [tam divyam param puruSam] that superior divine person.

The Lord knows everything, is ancient, having been present since beginning-less time; He is the controller of the entire universe. The Lord is even more subtle than the Self (which itself isn’t perceptible).

He is the creator of everything. The Lord has a form that cannot be realized in our thoughts, since no other entity has a form that is similar to the Lord’s. He has the color of the Sun and is beyond darkness - The Lord is distinct from the environment that we perceive; He has a lustrous form, which is completely unusual.

With focus and devotion, this person practices everyday with an unmoving mind. Perfecting this practice by regular habit, he holds his life-breath between his eye-brows. Meaning, he converges his thoughts to focus the divine Lord in the region between his eye-brows.

Such a person shall come towards the Lord - he converges to the same state of being and be equal in wealth to the Lord.

Next, the Lord describes how He is remembered by those who yearn to experience the Self.