
For Eternal Beginners

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श्री भगवान् उवाच -
इदम् तु ते गुह्यतमम् प्रवक्ष्यामि अनसूयवे ।
ज्ञानम् विज्ञान सहितम् यत् ज्ञात्वा मोक्ष्यसे अशुभात् ॥ १ ॥

zrI bhagavAn uvAca -
idam tu te guhyatamam pravakSyAmi anasUyave |
jJAnam vijJAna sahitam yat jJAtvA mokSyase azubhAt || 1 ||

श्री भगवान् उवाच [zrI bhagavAn uvAca] The Lord said - अनसूयवे [anasUyave] You are not jealous. ते प्रवक्ष्यामि [te pravakSyAmi] I will tell you इदम् ज्ञानम् [idam jJAnam] this awareness गुह्यतमम् तु [guhyatamam tu] which is extremely concealed, विज्ञान सहितम् [vijJAna sahitam] along with the science to comprehend it. यत् ज्ञात्वा [yat jJAtvA] Knowing this, मोक्ष्यसे [mokSyase] you will be free from अशुभात् [azubhAt] everything that’s undesirable.

The Lord says- You are without jealousy even after you’ve heard about My great and limitless form, which is distinct from everything else. You acknowledge this as a fact and do not grudge it.

Now, I will tell you this secret awareness. You will be free of everything undesirable after knowing it by practice. Things are ‘undesirable’ when they come in the way of attaining Me.

Awareness comes out as devotion in very few people, though it’s easy to practice.

This awareness is concealed. It comes in the form of devotion and is called as worship, a service to the Lord. I will now tell you about it, along with the science of realization.