For Eternal Beginners
अवजानन्ति माम् मूढाः मानुषीम् तनुम् आश्रिताम् ।
परम् भावम् अजानन्तो मम भूत महेश्वरम् ॥ ११ ॥
avajAnanti mAm mUDhAH mAnuSIm tanum AzritAm |
param bhAvam ajAnanto mama bhUta mahezvaram || 11 ||
People who are deluded अवजानन्ति माम्
[avajAnanti mAm]
disregard Me. अजानन्तः
They do not know मम परम् भावम्
[mama param bhAvam]
My superior state भूत महेश्वरम्
[bhUta mahezvaram]
as the Lord of all beings, मानुषीम् तनुम् आश्रिताम्
[mAnuSIm tanum AzritAm]
the Lord who has taken a human form.
Ignorant people are deluded by the effects of their past deeds. They assume that I am a normal human being and disregard Me.
I am in the form of a human with great compassion. This form is for everyone to take refuge in Me, while My will is always fulfilled. Being the Lord of all beings, I am the all-knowing, single cause of the universe.
The ignorant do not know Me as the Supreme Lord of all beings, situated in a limitless amount of compassion and affection. Instead, they are biased by My human appearance, thinking of Me as just another human among them. So, they disregard Me.