
For Eternal Beginners

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सततम् कीर्तयन्तो माम् यतन्तः च दृढव्रताः ।
नमस्यन्तः च माम् भक्त्या नित्ययुक्ता उपासते ॥ १४ ॥

satatam kIrtayanto mAm yatantaH ca dRDhavratAH |
namasyantaH ca mAm bhaktyA nityayuktA upAsate || 14 ||

उपासते माम् [upAsate mAm] They worship Me भक्त्या [bhaktyA] with devotion कीर्तयन्तः माम् [kIrtayantaH mAm] while praising Me, दृढव्रताः [dRDhavratAH] while being firm in their vows यतन्तः च [yatantaH ca] and in their endeavor to attain Me. नमस्यन्तः माम् [namasyantaH mAm] They regard Me with reverence सततम् [satatam] always नित्ययुक्ताः च [nityayuktAH ca] and are constantly in touch with Me.

With limitless amount of affection towards Me, they are unable to sustain themselves without My praise, My worship and My endeavor, even for a moment.

All their limbs bristle with delight when they listen to My names highlighting My qualities. This delight moves them so much that they are left speech-less. They keep praising Me with names such as ‘Narayana’, ‘Krishna’ and ‘Vasudeva’.

They endeavor to achieve Me - they strive to be in worship and other activities that address Me. They maintain structures of worship that help in these activities. They do these activities with firm conviction.

Their mind, intellect and attitudes are weighed down by the intensity of their devotion . Unmindful of dust, dirt and stones that touch their feet, palms and head, they fall back to My worship – Like a vertical stick that automatically falls to the ground. They desire to be in contact with Me constantly and worship Me, dedicating their entire Selves to My service.