
For Eternal Beginners

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अहम् क्रतुरहम् यज्ञः स्वधा अहम् अहम् औषधम् ।
मन्त्रो अहम् अहम् एव आज्यम् अहम् अग्निरहम् हुतम् ॥ १६ ॥

aham kraturaham yajJaH svadhA aham aham auSadham |
mantro aham aham eva Ajyam aham agniraham hutam || 16 ||

अहम् क्रतुः [aham kratuH] I am the inspiration and the ceremony. अहम् यज्ञः [aham yajJaH] I am worship. अहम् स्वधा [aham svadhA] I am the offering given to elders. अहम् औषधम् [aham auSadham] I am the preparation that’s offered. अहम् मन्त्रः [aham mantraH] I am the chant. अहम् एव आज्यम् [aham eva Ajyam] I am the one who fuels the fire. अहम् अग्निः [aham agniH] I am the fire. अहम् हुतम् [aham hutam] I am the One into which the offering is made.

I am the inspiration and the ceremony - I am the action that’s prescribed to achieve a goal. I Myself am worship. I am the offering that is made out of respect. I am the preparation that’s being offered. I am the chant. I am the one who fuels the fire.

These statements are representative of the actions we do. The Lord Himself is the energy that fuels activity. He is the object involved in the activity. He is the activity itself.