
For Eternal Beginners

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पिता अहम् अस्य जगतो माता धाता पितामहः ।
वेद्यम् पवित्रम् ओम्कारः ऋक् साम यजुरेव च ॥ १७ ॥

pitA aham asya jagato mAtA dhAtA pitAmahaH |
vedyam pavitram omkAraH Rk sAma yajureva ca || 17 ||

अहम् [aham] I am पिता [pitA] the father अस्य जगतो [asya jagato] of this world, माता [mAtA] the mother, धाता [dhAtA] the founder, the bearer, पितामहः [pitAmahaH] the grandfather. अहम् एव [aham eva] Indeed, I am वेद्यम् पवित्रम् [vedyam pavitram] the auspicious knowledge in the Vedas, ओम्कारः [omkAraH] the sound of Om, ऋक् साम यजुः [Rk sAma yajuH] the Rig, Sama and Yajur Vedas.

The Lord says ‘I am the one who is present in the form of a father, a mother, a grandfather, the founder and bearer of various moving and stationary things in this material world’. Here, the phrase ‘founder and bearer’ specially denotes the personality that brings forth the act of creation, in addition to the birth of every being from a mother and father.

The Lord continues: ‘Any virtue that is learnt from the Vedas - that is nothing but Me. The sound of Om, which is the seed of the Vedas, which is the source of Vedic teachings, is Me alone. The Vedas themselves, consisting of Rig, Yajur and Sama are Me’