
For Eternal Beginners

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राजविद्या राजगुह्यम् पवित्रम् इदम् उत्तमम् ।
प्रत्यक्षावगमम् धर्म्यम् सुसुखम् कर्तुमव्ययम् ॥ २ ॥

rAjavidyA rAjaguhyam pavitram idam uttamam |
pratyakSAvagamam dharmyam susukham kartumavyayam || 2 ||

राजविद्या [rAjavidyA] It is the king of all learning राजगुह्यम् [rAjaguhyam] and the foremost among everything that’s tough to find - it’s the king of secrets. इदम् उत्तमम् [idam uttamam] It is supreme पवित्रम् [pavitram] and pure. प्रत्यक्षावगमम् [pratyakSAvagamam] It is there for us to experience. धर्म्यम् [dharmyam] It has virtue embedded in it. कर्तुम् सुसुखम् [kartum susukham] It’s very easy to practice and perform. अव्ययम् [avyayam] It never wears out.

This awareness is the foremost among all learnings - it is supreme among all that can be learnt. It is the foremost among everything that’s tough to find. It is concealed the most, beyond everything that’s concealed from us.

The phrase राजविद्या [rAjavidyA] in this Shloka could also be interpreted as ‘a learning fit for kings’. The word ‘king’ refers to someone with great depth and a vast, open mind. Such people are good at learning, discovering and preserving. What’s learnt stays with such people.

This awareness is supreme and pure. It takes away all faults that come in the way of attaining Me, not leaving any flaw behind. It’s there for us to experience - to comprehend using our sense organs and our thoughts. Written as the Lord’s words: ‘When I am worshipped with service in the form of devotion , I become perceptible to the person who worships Me’.

It also has virtue embedded in it - ‘Virtue’ is practiced to achieve glory. Achieving Me is the highest glory. By its very nature, this devotion is an excess of love that’s impossible to describe in words.

You perceive Me with devotion. Though perceiving Me is excellent by itself, it’s really a means to experience Me completely. You achieve Me in My unsurpassed form.

You could choose to practice it very easily, because it has an un-measurable amount of love in it.

It never wears out - even after achieving Me, it does not get spent. Even after presenting Myself to the person who worships Me in this way, I keep feeling that there’s something I still owe this person.