
For Eternal Beginners

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अहम् हि सर्व यज्ञानाम् भोक्ता च प्रभुरेव च ।
न तु माम् अभिजानन्ति तत्वेनातः च्यवन्ति ते ॥ २४ ॥ 

aham hi sarva yajJAnAm bhoktA ca prabhureva ca |
na tu mAm abhijAnanti tatvenAtaH cyavanti te || 24 || 

अहम् हि [aham hi] I am indeed भोक्ता [bhoktA] the enjoyer [ca] and प्रभुरेव च [prabhureva ca] the single Master सर्व यज्ञानाम् [sarva yajJAnAm] of all services rendered to anyone or anything. ते [te] Those who crave for material wealth न अभिजानन्ति [na abhijAnanti] do not know Me तत्वेन [tatvena] as I am. अतः [ataH] Hence, ते च्यवन्ति [te cyavanti] they fall back.

With the phrase ‘Single Master’, the Lord state that He Himself appears as the benefactor wherever benefits are delivered.

Indeed, this strange distinction is astounding - Some people get stuck with minor results and keep falling from their place. Others end up enjoying uninterrupted, unlimited joy, in the form of eternal union with the Lord. They both are involved in the very same action. This distinction comes from their conviction. This is described next: