
For Eternal Beginners

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शुभाशुभ फलैरेवम् मोक्ष्यसे कर्म बन्धनैः ।
संन्यास योग युक्तात्मा विमुक्तो माम् उपैष्यसि ॥ २८ ॥

zubhAzubha phalairevam mokSyase karma bandhanaiH |
saMnyAsa yoga yuktAtmA vimukto mAm upaiSyasi || 28 ||

एवम् [evam] In this way, मोक्ष्यसे [mokSyase] you will be free कर्म बन्धनैः [karma bandhanaiH] from the bondage of activity शुभाशुब फलैः [zubhAzuba phalaiH] with its favorable and unfavorable outcomes. संन्यास योग युक्तात्मा [saMnyAsa yoga yuktAtmA] Be with the intent of letting-go. विमुक्तः [vimuktaH] You will be free and माम् उपैष्यसि [mAm upaiSyasi] attain Me.

In this way, with the intention of letting-go, your joy is to perform under My will in My service. Then, all your activities become My worship. By arranging yourself in this way and doing your work, you get freedom from all expectations and outcomes.

Ordinarily, these outcomes seem favorable or unfavorable, going by your bondage to an endless list of past deeds. That becomes a barrier to attain Me.

When all your activities become My worship, you get free of all those barriers. You will attain Me.

Next, listen to My characteristic that goes beyond all activities of this world-