
For Eternal Beginners

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समोऽहम् सर्व भूतेषु
न मे द्वेषोऽस्ति न प्रियः ।
ये भजन्ति तु माम् भक्त्या
मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम् ॥ २९ ॥

samo'ham sarva bhUteSu
na me dveSo'sti na priyaH |
ye bhajanti tu mAm bhaktyA
mayi te teSu cApyaham || 29 ||

अहम् [aham] I am समः [samaH] equal सर्व भूतेषु [sarva bhUteSu] to all beings. न मे द्वेषोऽस्ति [na me dveSo'sti] I do not have hatred, न प्रियः [na priyaH] neither do I have the attachment of love. तु [tu] However, ये [ye] those who भजन्ति माम् [bhajanti mAm] worship Me भक्त्या [bhaktyA] with devotion ते मयि [te mayi] are situated in Me, अहम् [aham] I am तेषु [teSu] within them चापि [cApi] as well.

We see a great variety among humans, animals and all beings – in terms of their shape, form, status, abilities and their level of awareness. We see them ranging from high to being extremely low.

The Lord says - ‘I look at all of them as being equal when they seek refuge in Me. I do not despise anyone due to their lowly shape, lack of awareness or inferior status. I do not reject them because they have acted against My instructions. Also, I do not have the attachment of love towards someone of high status and knowledge - unless they have surrendered to Me. They do not gain My acceptance just because they have good fortune. Their status doesn’t matter to Me.

On the other hand, those who worship Me with affection cannot stay without worshipping Me. They have My worship as their only goal. Their status, capability and knowledge may be high or low - they are all equal to Me. They are content to be in My thoughts. I value them more than Myself.’
