
For Eternal Beginners

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क्षिप्रम् भवति धर्मात्मा शश्वत् शान्तिम् निगच्छति ।
कौन्तेय प्रतिजानीही न मे भक्तः पणश्यति ॥ ३१ ॥

kSipram bhavati dharmAtmA zazvat zAntim nigacchati |
kaunteya pratijAnIhI na me bhaktaH paNazyati || 31 ||

क्षिप्रम् [kSipram] Very soon, भवति [bhavati] this person becomes धर्मात्मा [dharmAtmA] an excellent devotee, who worships Me without flaw. निगच्छति [nigacchati] He attains शान्तिम् [zAntim] peaceful existence शश्वत् [zazvat] forever. कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, प्रतिजानीहि [pratijAnIhi] resolve firmly within yourself that मे भक्तः [me bhaktaH] My devotee न प्रणश्यति [na praNazyati] shall not waste away.

Affection towards Me inspires My worship. When a person has no other objective, he gets rid of his flaws. By the same worship, he uproots the qualities of rajas and tamas . In this way he attains excellence quickly. Without delay, he is free of obstacles and is fully able to worship Me alone in his mind.

The word ‘dharma’ used in this Shloka to mean ‘ devoted worship ‘ has also been used in the beginning of this chapter (9-3) in a similar manner.

A person who worships attains ever-lasting peace - he gets rid of behaviors and deeds that prevent him from attaining Me. Those deeds and behaviors never return.

Arjuna, now resolve to yourself - ‘The Lord’s devotee shall not waste away, even if he strays from the path of virtue and mingles with behaviors that are against My instructions. Instead, by the greatness of My devotion, he destroys all types of bondage. He attains ever-lasting freedom from them. He shall attain whole and complete devotion very soon’.