
For Eternal Beginners

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यथा आकाशस्थितो नित्यम् वायुः सर्वत्रगो महान् ।
तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि मत्स्थानि इत्युपधारय ॥ ६ ॥

yathA AkAzasthito nityam vAyuH sarvatrago mahAn |
tathA sarvANi bhUtAni matsthAni ityupadhAraya || 6 ||

महान् [mahAn] The great वायुः [vAyuH] wind सर्वत्रगः [sarvatragaH] roams everywhere, आकाशे स्थितः नित्यम् [AkAze sthitaH nityam] while being situated in the sky always. उपधारय [upadhAraya] Know इति [iti] that यथा [yathA] the way in which सर्वाणि भूतानि [sarvANi bhUtAni] all beings मत्स्थानि [matsthAni] are situated in Me तठा [taThA] is similar.

The great winds exist in space. Space doesn’t need anything to exist. It blows independently everywhere. Yet, know that its existence depends on Me.

I am the one who carries the wind and all beings. They do not experience this. All beings are situated in Me and I carry them.

The Vedas describe The Lord’s power: ‘The formation of clouds, the way in which the sea is limited to the sea-level, the phases of the moon, the agitation of the wind, the way in which lightning strikes, the movement of the Sun - all these exist as manifestations of Vishnu’s wonderful power ‘. This amazing power is unique to Vishnu, not present in anything else.

The scriptures describe it too:

बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] , 3-8-9 says: ‘The sun, moon and others are carried forth by the Lord, who is called indestructible. They remain under His total control’

तैत्तरिय [taittariya] , 2-8-1 says: ‘The wind blows in submission to His will. The Sun glows in submission to His will. The atmosphere, sky, rain and fire perform their functions in submission to His will’.

Till now, it was stated that the state of existence of everything is brought about by the will of the Lord. The will of the Lord does not depend on anything other than the Lord Himself. Next, He says that their creation and destruction too are also brought about by His will alone.