
For Eternal Beginners

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Chapter 16

The preceding three chapters illustrated many facts.

They gave the distinction between the environment and the Self;

They described their true characteristics when they are separate and when they are combined - The fact that their combination comes from attachment to the three qualities and that their separation is given by detachment from these qualities ;

They stated that the environment and the Self belong to the Lord in all states of existence;

They also stated that the Lord is distinct. His power and possessions are distinct from the non-conscious environment; also distinct from all conscious beings, both bound and free - He is distinct by virtue of having the Self and the environment as His attributes, by never wearing out, by pervading, supporting and controlling everything;

The Lord was illustrated in His true form - as the Supreme Being.

Next, The Lord says that it’s important to comply with His instructions, which are described in the scriptures. He says this to establish the facts that were listed above. He describes the classification of His creations as ‘deva’ and ‘asura’ - those who comply with His instructions and those who don’t.

Though the terms deva and asura translate to gods and demons in mythology, here they’re about the intention to follow instructions. Devas intend to comply with the Lord’s instructions in the scriptures, while asuras don’t have regard for those instructions.