
For Eternal Beginners

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विस्तरेण आत्मनो योगम् विभूतिम् च जनार्दन ।
भूयः कथय तृप्तिर्हि शृण्वतो नास्ति मे अमृतम् ॥ १८ ॥

vistareNa Atmano yogam vibhUtim ca janArdana |
bhUyaH kathaya tRptirhi zRNvato nAsti me amRtam || 18 ||

जनार्दन [janArdana] Krishna, कथय [kathaya] Tell me भूयः [bhUyaH] again आत्मनः योगम् [AtmanaH yogam] about Your greatness विभूतिम् च [vibhUtim ca] and Your supreme might. शृण्वतो [zRNvato] While I listen अमृतम् [amRtam] and drink its sweetness, मे तृप्तिर्हि नास्ति [me tRptirhi nAsti] I crave for more.

Your association with greatness - such as the act of creation - was described briefly, starting with 10-8: ‘I am the origin of everything; each and every entity gets stimulated with the initiative given by Me ‘.

Please elaborate this again, along with the extent of Your might and span of control. It is heartening to listen to Your great qualities as described by You. It is like the sweetness of nectar. However, it has left me craving for more.

‘You would know My craving’ - this is what Arjuna expressed to Lord Krishna.