
For Eternal Beginners

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11-38 part 2

वेत्तासि वेद्यम् च परम् च धाम
त्वया ततम् विश्वम् अनन्त रूप ॥ ३८ ॥

vettAsi vedyam ca param ca dhAma
tvayA tatam vizvam ananta rUpa || 38 ||

वेत्तासि [vettAsi] You are the One who knows वेद्यम् च [vedyam ca] and the One who is to be known. परम् धाम च [param dhAma ca] You are the ultimate abode too. अनन्त रूप [ananta rUpa] You are the One with an unending form. विश्वम् [vizvam] The universe ततम् [tatam] is pervaded त्वया [tvayA] by You.

Everything that’s to be known in this universe and everything that has the ability to know, is You. In this way, You are present as the Self in everything . You are the ultimate abode - You are the ultimate goal. The universe with its conscious and non-conscious beings is pervaded by You, with You being present as its Self.