For Eternal Beginners
वेत्तासि वेद्यम् च परम् च धाम
त्वया ततम् विश्वम् अनन्त रूप ॥ ३८ ॥
vettAsi vedyam ca param ca dhAma
tvayA tatam vizvam ananta rUpa || 38 ||
You are the One who knows वेद्यम् च
[vedyam ca]
and the One who is to be known. परम् धाम च
[param dhAma ca]
You are the ultimate abode too. अनन्त रूप
[ananta rUpa]
You are the One with an unending form. विश्वम्
The universe ततम्
is pervaded त्वया
by You.
Everything that’s to be known in this universe and everything that has the ability to know, is You. In this way, You are present as the Self in everything . You are the ultimate abode - You are the ultimate goal. The universe with its conscious and non-conscious beings is pervaded by You, with You being present as its Self.