
For Eternal Beginners

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11-39 part 1

वायुर्यमोऽग्निः वरुणः शशाङ्कः
प्रजापतिः त्वम् प्रपितामहः च ।

vAyuryamo'gniH varuNaH zazAGkaH
prajApatiH tvam prapitAmahaH ca |

त्वम् [tvam] You are वायु [vAyu] the wind, यम [yama] restraint, अग्निः [agniH] fire, वरुणः [varuNaH] the atmosphere, the ocean, शशाङ्कः [zazAGkaH] the moon, प्रजापतिः [prajApatiH] the leader of people, प्रपितामहः च [prapitAmahaH ca] and their great-grandfather - their origin.

You are the great-grandfather of everyone - the ‘father’ is the predecessor of a person. The predecessor of all beings is Brahma, the principal engineer of this universe.

Lord, You are the predecessor of Brahma too, hence You are the great-grandfather. You are present as the Self in everything. Hence, you are the One who is addressed by all their names.