
For Eternal Beginners

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मन्यसे यदि मच्छक्यम् मया द्रष्टुम् इति प्रभो ।
योगेश्वर ततो मे त्वम् दर्शयाऽत्मानम् अव्ययम् ॥ ४ ॥

manyase yadi macchakyam mayA draSTum iti prabho |
yogezvara tato me tvam darzayA'tmAnam avyayam || 4 ||

प्रभो [prabho] Lord, यदि मन्यसे [yadi manyase] if You believe मत् शक्यम् इति [mat zakyam iti] that it’s possible मया द्रष्टुम् [mayA draSTum] for me to see it, ततः [tataH] then मे दर्शय [me darzaya] show me आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] Your undiminished self अव्ययम् [avyayam] entirely. योगेश्वर [yogezvara] You are the Lord of all favorable associations.

The word ‘yoga’ in this Shloka refers to the association mentioned further in this chapter (see 11-8 ).

Arjuna requests Lord Krishna - If You believe that it’s possible for me to see Your form, which creates and presides over everything, which is the basis of existence - then show it to me. I am requesting You, the Lord who has unbounded knowledge and all favorable associations.

Lord, You are the treasure of knowledge, strength, might, valor, power and brilliance. It’s impossible for anyone else to be this way. Show me Your form entirely - show me everything.

In this way, Arjuna, filled with curiosity, requested the Lord with his voice choked in joy and anticipation.

When we believe in the Lord, He will show Himself and give us the ability to see Him.

The Lord replies -