
For Eternal Beginners

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11-41 to 11-42

सखेति मत्वा प्रसभम् यदुक्तम्
हे कृष्ण हे यादव हे सखेति ।
अजानता महिमानम् तवेमम्
मया प्रमादात् प्रणयेन वापि ॥ ४१ ॥
यत् च अपहासार्थम् असत् कृतोऽसि
विहार शय्यासन भोजनेषु ।
एकोऽथवाऽपि अच्युत तत्समक्षम्
तत् क्षामये त्वाम् अहम् अप्रमेयम् ॥ ४२ ॥

sakheti matvA prasabham yaduktam
he kRSNa he yAdava he sakheti |
ajAnatA mahimAnam tavemam
mayA pramAdAt praNayena vApi || 41 ||
yat ca apahAsArtham asat kRto'si
vihAra zayyAsana bhojaneSu |
eko'thavA'pi acyuta tatsamakSam
tat kSAmaye tvAm aham aprameyam || 42 ||

अच्युत [acyuta] Lord, अजानता [ajAnatA] without knowing इमम् महिमानम् [imam mahimAnam] this greatness तव [tava] of Yours, सखेति मत्वा [sakheti matvA] I considered You as a friend यदुक्तम् मया [yaduktam mayA] and said many things, प्रसभम् [prasabham] exceeding my limits प्रमादात् [pramAdAt] in a careless manner. प्रणयेन वा अपि [praNayena vA api] At other times, out of friendship, हे कृष्ण हे यादव हे सखेति [he kRSNa he yAdava he sakheti] I addressed You as ‘Hey Krishna’, ‘Hey Yadava’ or ‘Hey friend’. यत् च असत्कृतोऽसि [yat ca asatkRto'si] There were also instances when I disrespected You अपहासार्थम् [apahAsArtham] for fun विहार शय्यासन भोजनेषु [vihAra zayyAsana bhojaneSu] while roaming, resting and while sleeping, एकः [ekaH] while we were alone अथवा [athavA] or तत्समक्षम् [tatsamakSam] in the company of others - अहम् क्षामये त्वाम् [aham kSAmaye tvAm] I ask You to forgive तत् अपि [tat api] all of these too. अच्युत [acyuta] O the ever-permanent One, अप्रमेय [aprameya] You are not measurable in any way.

Arjuna continues to address Krishna - I did not know Your infinite valor and Your unending might - You pervade everything as the ultimate Self . I did not know the extent of Your activities, such as creation and the like.

Without knowing this, whatever I said in irreverence - out of carelessness, out of familiarity that comes out of association, out of friendship, thinking of You as a companion of my age, addressing You as ‘Hey Krishna’, ‘Hey Yadava’ and ‘Hey friend’, even the disrespect shown in jest while having fun, when we were doing things together by ourselves or in a group, while roaming, resting or eating - I ask Your forgiveness for all this.

You are to be respected always. You are immeasurable in every way. You need to forgive me in Your compassion.