
For Eternal Beginners

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ज्योतिषाम् अपि तत् ज्योतिः तमसः परम् उच्यते ।
ज्ञानम् ज्ञेयम् ज्ञानगम्यम् हृदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम् ॥ १७ ॥

jyotiSAm api tat jyotiH tamasaH param ucyate |
jJAnam jJeyam jJAnagamyam hRdi sarvasya viSThitam || 17 ||

तत् ज्योतिः [tat jyotiH] It is brilliant ज्योतिषाम् अपि [jyotiSAm api] even among those which are bright. उच्यते [ucyate] It is said to be परम् [param] beyond तमसः [tamasaH] the bounds of the environment. ज्ञानम् [jJAnam] It is knowledge, ज्ञेयम् [jJeyam] it must be recognized. विष्ठितम् [viSThitam] It is specially situated सर्वस्य [sarvasya] in everyone हृदि [hRdi] at their heart. ज्ञानगम्यम् [jJAnagamyam] This Self can be grasped by awareness.

The Self alone shines brilliant, even when it is among lamps, the sun and other bright things. It throws light on them - The Self is what makes the experience of brightness happen. Things that give light remove the darkness that blocks sight, nothing more. The Self alone recognizes and experiences brightness.

The word तमस् [tamas] used in this Shloka refers to the inanimate environment in its subtle state before creation. The environment doesn’t have the capability to know and experience.

The Self is beyond the bounds of this environment.

The Self itself is awareness. We must recognize it. The Self can be grasped by practicing the virtues listed in 13-7 - starting with being without a sense of superiority - up until 13-11.

The Self is specially embedded at the heart of all beings.