
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रकृतिम् पुरुषम् चैव विद्धि अनादि उभौ अपि ।
विकारान् च गुणान् चैव विद्धि प्रकृति सम्भवान् ॥ १९ ॥

prakRtim puruSam caiva viddhi anAdi ubhau api |
vikArAn ca guNAn caiva viddhi prakRti sambhavAn || 19 ||

विद्धि [viddhi] Know that उभौ [ubhau] both प्रकृतिम् [prakRtim] the material environment पुरुषम् च [puruSam ca] and the Self अनादि [anAdi] are without a beginning अपि [api] too. विद्धि [viddhi] Know that विकारान् [vikArAn] the changes we undergo गुणान् च [guNAn ca] and our qualities प्रकृति सम्भवान् [prakRti sambhavAn] are born out of the material environment.

Know that the material environment and the Self that’s bound to it are without a beginning. Know also that their bond is without a beginning too.

The states we traverse - such as the states of desire and hatred - bind us to the environment. Virtues such as being without a sense of superiority lead to freedom.

Both of them – the states that bind us and the virtues that free us - are born out of an association with the body and the environment.

Use the body to get entangled or liberated – it’s your choice.

The body is made up of the elements of the environment. When it is associated with the Self, it goes through various states such as desire and hatred. This causes the Self to get entangled.

When the same body goes through states of humility and so on , it can bring the liberation of the Self.