
For Eternal Beginners

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क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञयोः एवम् अन्तरम् ज्ञान चक्षुषा ।
भूतप्रकृति मोक्षम् च ये विदुः यान्ति ते परम् ॥ ३४ ॥

kSetra kSetrajJayoH evam antaram jJAna cakSuSA |
bhUtaprakRti mokSam ca ye viduH yAnti te param || 34 ||

ये [ye] People ज्ञान चक्षुषा [jJAna cakSuSA] with eyes of awareness विदुः [viduH] recognize एवम् अन्तरम् [evam antaram] this distinction क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञयोः [kSetra kSetrajJayoH] between the field of action and the knower . ते च यान्ति [te ca yAnti] They attain पराम् मोक्षम् [parAm mokSam] supreme freedom भूत प्रकृति [bhUta prakRti] from the material world.

This chapter described the distinction between the body as the field of action and the Self as the knower of this field . Their distinct characteristics are realized by people with eyes of awareness.

In addition, those who learn about freedom from the material world will attain the supreme - they achieve the Self, which is free of all bonds. This freedom is Moksha .

The virtues described in this chapter, such as being without a sense of superiority , lead to Moksha .

The awareness about the distinctions between the Self and the body was laid out in this chapter.

In summary, the body is a part of the environment. It is our field of action, a result of the elements.

The knowledge to discriminate between the Self and the body, along with the virtues required to achieve freedom from the bonds of the environment were laid out in this chapter - starting with being without a sense of superiority .

With this ability to discriminate the body and the Self, people learn and practice the method to get freedom from the environment. They achieve the Self in its true form - free of all limitations, an unbroken expanse of knowledge.