
For Eternal Beginners

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तमस्तु अज्ञानजम् विद्धि मोहनम् सर्व देहिनाम् ।
प्रमाद आलस्य निद्राभिः तत् निबध्नाति भारत ॥ ८ ॥

tamastu ajJAnajam viddhi mohanam sarva dehinAm |
pramAda Alasya nidrAbhiH tat nibadhnAti bhArata || 8 ||

भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, विद्धि [viddhi] know तमः तु [tamaH tu] tamas to be a quality that अज्ञानजम् [ajJAnajam] gives rise to ignorance मोहनम् [mohanam] and delusion सर्व देहिनाम् [sarva dehinAm] in every Self that owns a body. तत् निबध्नाति [tat nibadhnAti] It binds the Self प्रमाद [pramAda] with carelessness, आलस्य [Alasya] lethargy निद्राभिः [nidrAbhiH] and drowsiness.

Tamas is ignorance and lethargy.

Ignorance is opposed to awareness. Being ‘aware’ is to know all things as they are. Ignorance tells us otherwise.

The quality called tamas is a misunderstanding of the true nature of things. It deludes every Self that owns a body. ‘Delusion’ is knowledge that is opposed to reality. The quality of tamas causes this flawed knowledge.

By being the source of carelessness, lethargy and drowsiness, tamas ties down the owner of a body.

‘Carelessness’ is lack of attention, which causes mistakes in our actions.

‘Lethargy’ is the characteristic of not starting any activity. It’s a state of being rigid and pretentious.

‘Drowsiness’ happens when our limbs are tired of activity and start retiring to rest. In this state, our organs recede and we sleep. In addition to this, when the mind is also at rest, it is called deep sleep.

Next, the prominent bonds that come from the three qualities of sattva , rajas and tamas are summarized.