
For Eternal Beginners

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यतन्तो योगिनः चैनम् पश्यन्ति आत्मनि अवस्थितम् ।
यतन्तोऽपि अकृतात्मानो नैनम् पश्यन्ति अचेतसः ॥ ११ ॥

yatanto yoginaH cainam pazyanti Atmani avasthitam |
yatanto'pi akRtAtmAno nainam pazyanti acetasaH || 11 ||

योगिनः [yoginaH] Those who realize their relationship with the Lord यतन्तः [yatantaH] and persevere in its practice एनम् पश्यन्ति [enam pazyanti] shall see the Self आत्मनि अवस्थितम् [Atmani avasthitam] present in themselves. [ca] On the other hand, अकृतात्मानः [akRtAtmAnaH] those who haven’t surrendered to the Lord न एनम् पश्यन्ति [na enam pazyanti] do not see the Self यतन्तः अपि [yatantaH api] even with perseverance - अचेतसः [acetasaH] They remain without recognizing the Self.

Having surrendered to Me, those who pursue techniques such as karmayoga purify themselves from the inside. Then, through the eyes of yoga , they see the Self in themselves - even while being situated inside the body, they see the Self in its true form, being separate from the body.

Others who haven’t surrendered their Self to the Lord do not see the Self. Since they do not follow the path of surrender , their mind is unprepared and so their consciousness doesn’t have the ability to recognize their Self.

Up until now, it was explained that light removes darkness. Darkness prevents material stimuli from coming into contact with our sense organs. The sun, the moon and sources of light such as fire get rid of darkness, enabling us to perceive the material world. In this way, light enables the eye to sense the material world.

On the other hand, the Self illuminates everything, even the sources of light. Being the light of awareness, it knows and experiences everything.

Previously, it was said that the Self is an attribute of the Lord, both in its free form as well as in its bound form: 15-6 said ‘After reaching this free state of being, they do not return. That abode is My supreme attribute’. Chap15#7 said ‘In this material world, where every Self is bound in the environment, the ever-existing Self is definitely a part of Me’.

Whatever the Self is aware of, that is also the Lord.

Next, the Lord states that the light given by luminous sources such as the sun, which is a special outcome of material creation, is also His attribute.