
For Eternal Beginners

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आशा पाश शतैः बद्धाः काम क्रोध परायणाः ।
ईहन्ते काम भोगार्थम् अन्यायेनार्थ सन्चयान् ॥ १२ ॥

AzA pAza zataiH baddhAH kAma krodha parAyaNAH |
Ihante kAma bhogArtham anyAyenArtha sancayAn || 12 ||

बद्धाः [baddhAH] Bound by शतैः [zataiH] hundreds आशा पाश [AzA pAza] of desire-bonds, परायणाः [parAyaNAH] they pursue काम [kAma] their desires, क्रोध [krodha] their fears and the rage that comes from it. ईहन्ते [Ihante] They crave काम भोगार्थम् [kAma bhogArtham] the experience of desires अर्थ सन्चयान् [artha sancayAn] and the accumulation of wealth अन्यायेन [anyAyena] through unjust means.

This Shloka uses the phrase ‘hundreds of desire-bonds’ to show desire as bondage - whatever we call as ‘desire’ actually binds and limits us. Those who disregard the Lord’s instructions get bound by hundreds of these desires. They stay focused on this desire and the rage that comes from it. They pursue life according to their fears and the accompanying anger.

In order to experience the fulfilment of their desires, they yearn for wealth - even if it’s earned unjustly.