
For Eternal Beginners

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डम्भो दर्पः अतिमानः च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च ।
अज्ञानम् चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदम् आसुरीम् ॥ ४ ॥

Dambho darpaH atimAnaH ca krodhaH pAruSyameva ca |
ajJAnam cAbhijAtasya pArtha sampadam AsurIm || 4 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, आसुरीम् अभिजातस्य [AsurIm abhijAtasya] a person with an attitude of non-compliance of the Lord’s instructions सम्पदम् [sampadam] has the following characteristics: डम्भः [DambhaH] Being righteous just to show-off; दर्पः [darpaH] Intoxicated by the experience of material attractions; अतिमानः [atimAnaH] Stuck in self-esteem; क्रोधः [krodhaH] Anger; पारुष्यम् [pAruSyam] Harshness; अज्ञानम् च [ajJAnam ca] and Ignorance.

‘Being righteous just to show-off’ is done to become famous as a righteous person.

Getting ‘intoxicated by the experience of material attractions’ comes from the happiness that’s bounded by our material experiences, being unaware of activities that are recommended and those that aren’t.

We get ‘stuck in self-esteem’ when we admire ourselves beyond what we know, going by our position or race.

‘Anger’ is a deformity that makes an achievement out of another person’s discomfort.

‘Harshness’ is to cause agitation in innocent people.

‘Ignorance’ is being unaware of what is superior (The Lord) and what is ordinary (The material world). It’s also about being unaware of the distinction between activities that are mandatory and those that are forbidden.

These are the characteristics of a person in whom the intent to break the Lord’s instructions is born.